Wednesday, November 3, 2010
All good things...
It began in 2005, when I first walked through the gates at St Joseph’s College. Little did I know of the impact this place was to have on me. The first year involved proving my worth and impressing myself upon a group of 130 boys (which would grow to almost 200 by our final year) all hoping to do the same. This first year presented me with the first instance of what was on offer – this came in the form of a trip to Japan. I learnt Japanese for 5 of my 6 years at Joeys, and this allowed me to travel to Japan several times. I was lucky enough to visit cities such as Tokyo, Kyoto, Nara, Hiroshima, Nagano, and the surrounding areas. I travelled back to Japan at the end of 2005, as well as in 2007.
In between trips to Japan I was fortunate enough to score myself 1st place in Japanese in both my first 2 years, as well as forging out my place in the sporting life of the college, competing in the ‘A’ grade for tennis in all 3 years of the first half of my high schooling, 2 of which were undefeated, championship winning teams.
Moving in to the senior half of my high school experience, I was lucky enough to be picked at this early stage to move into the senior elite opens tennis teams, usually reserved for the older, more experienced players. I would remain in this team for my final 3 years, and the mental and physical lessons that were learnt on the courts were invaluable. The photo of me on the right is me walking off the courts for the very last time back in April.
This involvement also allowed me to travel to Melbourne in January of the last 3 years, to train and play, as well as experience the Australian Open, which was always great to be a part of.
Last year I experienced what was probably one of the most amazing things I have done. I have a strong passion for football (soccer ), and I follow the English league to a great degree. As part of the development of the sport at my school (which is traditionally a rugby school), 30 boys were selected to tour the UK and Spain to play, train with and watch the very best. We trained at clubs like Liverpool, Chelsea, Charlton and Espanyol, watched various league matches and played several friendly games in Wales, England and Spain. I have previously posted about this trip so if you would like to, check that out.
Well there it is, and 6 years later I have left that world to pursue whatever comes next.
Wish me luck
Friday, October 29, 2010
You know you want to...
As of today (Saturday the 30th) I am 3 days away from my last exam. I have done 7, with an engineering exam my last one on Tuesday afternoon. Pretty keen to get it done and put all that behind me. Yesterday was a killer with 2 exams, one of which I wrote for two hours on the general development of western historiography and the historiography of the crusades. Yeah well that was fun.
Just in preparing for my blog after I do finish, I was wondering what you guys thought I should do with this blog from here on in. Would you want me to continue what this blog was originally made for and discuss particular topics of interest? I can also continue (after a period of great neglect) my series on the foosball table? Similarly, I can also do some more personal stuff like travel experiences, and some of the 'interesting' things I have been able to do.
I also have an essay (for those of you who have seen the movie 'Valkyrie', or are aware who Colonel Stauffenberg was) that I wrote in argument of whether or not Stauffenberg could be considered an heroic figure for his actions in 1944. I know it may not interest some of you as it is an academic production, but if you are interested, let me know and I might see if I can post it up.
Anyway guys please leave a comment and let me know, I am vastly looking forward to coming back to this and any other personal interests that have been forgotten over the past 12 months.
Cheers guys,
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Update and future of the blog
I know I am leaving it long and far between posts on this site, but I have been a little preoccupied as a fair few of you know with my major high school exams. As of today I am in fact halfway through those exams, so in just less than 2 weeks I will be out of there and ready to begin whatever comes next. So for those from the coffee shop, I will be back around then to haunt you with my presence once again, so thats whats happening with my contribution to the blogosphere.
Once I return, I will be back to complete my foosball table series, as well as the resumption of my normal discussion posts, and hopefully a few new bits and pieces here and there. As per usual suggestions are always appreciated so if you would like to see anything posted here let me know =].
Finally, I would like to leave you with another video from RSA's 'animate' series, about how educational paradigms are currently being changed. Enjoy, and let us know what you think.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Some food for thought
The Empathic Civilization:
The Secret Powers of Time:
If you have a spare 10 minutes, check them out. The provide some really interesting and thought provoking models, all assisted by some pretty impressive visual cues.
Monday, July 12, 2010
The Foosball Table Pt 3
Since the last post, I have scrapped the idea of laminating an MDF sheet for the playing surface, but instead am using a melamine particle board, which does not require laminating, and is far cheaper.
I have painted the playing surface with the lines as needed. This post will cover this process.
Firstly I tested the spray enamel on a number of test pieces to minimise run of the paint under the grain of the surface. I then taped the surface of the field. The width of all lines is 6mm, and I am avoiding having curved lines as this is a difficult process requiring far more time than what is needed.
I then simply sprayed a few thin coats over the required areas, as shown:
I then very nervously removed the paper and tape to reveal if what I had done was enough to ensure that the lines were accurate, straight, and the edges were tidy. I was pleasantly surprised:
Next I move to putting together the 5 box pieces with the game parts, then manufacturing the goal box housings, and finally the legs and inlaid glass top.
Once again, I shall see you next time.
Peace, Loads
Monday, June 28, 2010
RIP the 96
Most of you may not be aware of the significance of this number, however for those of you who follow English football to any degree, you may be aware of what I am talking about. On the 15th of April 1989, 96 Liverpool fans were killed at Hillsborough Stadium, Sheffield. The entering fans bottlenecked at the gates, causing the stadium (that lacked seating) to become severely overcrowded. Those who had entered, and were at the front of the spectator pen, were crushed by the constant flow on unknowing fans being allowed entry behind them.
What made the situation worse, was the blatant mis-reporting that was conducted by the newspaper "the sun" later on. The publication laid blame upon the fans, rather that those responsible for the correct allocation of tickets and entry. As a result, the "Justice" campaign was ignited, in order to restore parity. The following "Taylor Inquiry" found the police to be at fault, hence granting solidity to the ensuing (and still current) boycott of "the sun".
I happened to be over in Liverpool on the 20th anniversary of the disaster, and the day we trained at Liverpool's academy, was the day of the memorial service. This is a photo of me in front of the "Shankly Gates", covered in flowers and both Liverpool and Everton jerseys in remembrance.
RIP THE 96........................
In other news, I have to apologize for not posting in 3 whole weeks. As I may have indicated, this year is a shocking one to undertake commitments such as blogging, as I am rather preoccupied with exams etc being in my final year of school.
As a result, i may be a little short of posts in the next few weeks as well, so if you could all be as patient as possible, I will greatly appreciate it.
Thanks guys =]
Sunday, June 6, 2010
The Foosball Table Pt 2
So since my last post, it appears limited progress has been made to the table physically. Work has been done to cut out each of the goalmouths, as displayed below:
The goalmouths are 76 by 206 millimetres, with rounded top corners of radius 20mm (for all you currently used to imperial measurements, I frankly do not care =])
To cut the cavities, a simple electric jigsaw was used to cut the basic shape, with scoring (using a stanley knife) along the perimeter to reduce chipping of the wood.
Next was the process of measuring and boring the holes on either side of the table, to house the rods for the game. This is particularly important as accuracy is key. If measurements/cuts are off by the slightest, the game will be affected somewhat.
This is a picture of what the mechanism looks like currently:
Next I will need to work out the leg structure, of which I shall develop a computer model in the next few days. I will include that model in my next post. I will also be laminating the playing surface, and further investigating the idea of having lights built into the sides of the table.
If you have any more suggestions, I will be happy to listen to them, the feedback I received on the last post was wonderful, so thanks for that.
Cheers, Loads
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Big family? dont even get me started...
It is a catholic private boarding school, with about 1000 boys aging from 12-18. 10 years ago, it was a strict boarding school, however recently, day students have been accepted and so now about ½ of the total does not board at all. I was in that situation in the younger years, as I live only a short distance from the school. It was at the beginning of year 11 (February last year), that I began boarding. It is a very strong rugby union school, and playing rugby was even compulsory until the mid-late eighties. They now allow soccer and cross-country in the winter. Summer season involves tennis, cricket, basketball, water polo or rowing.
What boarding means is that you live in a dormitory that holds about 30 boys, and each year group has 4-6 dorms. In year 12 however, each boy has a separate room. This grants the ability of not having to study in a classroom every night, but instead returning to your own room.
In terms of my week, I am at school from about 8pm on Sunday nights, until 5.30pm on Saturday, when I leave for home after sporting commitments. So yes, I am only away from school for about 24 hours each week. This is a typical week for me:
Sunday: Return to school 8pm, go to mass, and an hour of study
Monday: Wake up at 7.30, go to breakfast in the dining room. Classes as normal from 8.40-3.30, then football training (Tennis in summer) until 5pm. Dinner at 5.30-6, then study from 6.30-10.
Tuesday: Morning training at 6.30, followed by classes as normal, training again from 3.30-5, and the usual dinner and study.
Wednesday: Classes finish early (2.30) accommodating for a double training session (this is because sport used to be played on Wednesday afternoons before it was moved to Saturdays). Then dinner and study as usual.
Thursday: Same as Monday
Friday: No training, and half of night study off for free time etc.
Saturday: Play sport (tennis in summer, football in winter), then stay for the rugby, which finishes at about 5.30, after which we are free to go home, or return to school for those not going home.
One of the questions raised, was what it is like having teachers around 24/7. Well, to be honest I have become accustomed to it, and I think one of the advantages of this is the increased awareness of the needs of students for the teachers, and in turn, a greater bond between the staff and the student body. And no, it’s not like Hogwarts.
Boarding with upwards of 200 boys in a year group gets extremely interesting. The group dynamics within a body of 200 adolescent boys sees the extremes of social emotions. However, because of the nature of boys that attend, bullying is generally not a problem, and the positivity within year groups generally increases as they go through. This is not to say there isn’t fights and general disagreements etc. Mostly, though, the group is a fantastic bunch of guys, and is a great one to be a part of. Living with friends for most of the week, despite it being at school, is often one filled with interest, laughing, but not much to be bored about (apart from sitting in maths).
I hope this gives you a bit of an insight into my life at an all-boys boarding school. If you have any questions about it, please just leave a comment and I will answer any queries you may have.
Thanks guys =]
Thursday, May 20, 2010
And now for something completely different!
You would all know what foosball is right? (For those who don't, it's the table soccer game you see around the place). Well my project is functionally duplicitous as it not only fulfils the functionality of the foosball game, but can also be used for the purpose of a coffee table. In other words, it is a normal foosball table, just a foot lower, and with a glass inlay over the top.
What relevance this has to you guys is you are going to help me. While i take a little bit of time to document my progress through this blog, with the central purpose of showing you an insight into my year, and hopefully letting you follow my progress with interest. Your feedback on this part of my blog would be much appreciated, and may (with your permission), be used in compiling the design portfolio to be submitted alongside the project.
This is my progress up until now:
As you can see, I have a long way to go. What that^ basically is, is the box that will house the actual foosball game. The rods that hold the players will run across that box, which will be inside a "cabinet" of sorts. The cabinet will basically be the legs of the structure, and the housing of the game, as well as the glass top.
My next step is laminating the MDF playing surface, biscuit-joining the 4 sides together, then the MDF to each of them (all dry-fitted for the moment). from there i will begin the cabinet, then install the game, then fix all the parts together. Sounds pretty simple huh? .........Yeah right.
First question. What do you think about installing lights inside the game? Most likely LED strips running along each side, similar to floodlights on a real football field. Yes or No?
Cheers everyone =]
Sunday, May 16, 2010
2009 Football Tour - UK and Spain
This me (on the right), in the players tunnel at Liverpool's home ground, Anfield.

This is the senior team before our first game against Rhyl in Wales. I think we lost 2-1, but it was a great game. I am third from the left, kneeling.

The next one is our first taste of english football. We saw Crystal Palace play out a 1-1 draw with Coventry, and despite the tasteless scoreline, we were not disappointed. The crowd was enthusiastic, and we even were granted the opportunity to meet Nicky Carle, one of the Australians flying the flag over in the European leagues.

Old Trafford, home ground of Manchester United. I'm in the white jumper. Magnificent stadium. I'll stop there.

We then headed over to Spain. This is at the Nou Camp, Barcelona's stadium. Barcelona was a magnificent city from what we had to see of it, but unfortunately our sightseeing was limited due to the fairly strict footballing itinery of the trip. We did get to La Rambla, the Barcelona Cathedral, and the Sagrada Familia.

So there you have it, a very, very brief (as in like 5 photos out of 3-400) look at my trip last year. I could possibly upload a few more, or maybe even show a few photos/ experiences from a few more trips. If you would like to see more photos, or more of my personal experiences, just leave a comment below. Cheers guys.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Domestic Violence - Guest Blogger!
Right, thanks for your interest Kirsty, could you tell us a little about yourself?
I'm a 23 year old Mum of one baby girl. I am studying for a PhD in environmental radiochemistry and love my work! This interview came about because of contact through our blogs, I decided to start writing a blog to release some issues from within myself which have gradually built up over the years. My parents are both alcoholics and as a result of their drinking they have had a very unstable and often violent relationship since I was about 12 years old. Obviously this has contributed to many thoughts and feelings and any decisions I have had to make in my life and I thought it was about time I shared these experiences with others.
Ok, so obviously, you’ve grown up a bit since. What is the most important thing you’ve come away from your experience with?
There are a few lessons I have learnt growing up. Firstly that alcohol is more dangerous than a lot of people realise. So many of us take it for granted and incorporate it into our lives as a completely innocent thing but I have never been one to drink a lot because of the things I have seen. In a way I guess I missed out on some aspects of growing up, I wasn't hitting the bars and clubs when my friends were etc but I would rather it was like that so I have no regrets. I have also had learn how to seriously put myself first, I spent so many years making sure that what ever I did would still enable me to be there and care for my family, it took me a very long time to stop putting my life on hold and gain some independence where I didn't feel constantly tied to my family.
Being the oldest sibling in your family, did you ever feel a sense of personal responsibility in regards to your younger brothers and sisters?
I felt I had complete responsibility! In my mind if I was there to care for them then no harm would come to them. As we grew up it was me they came to with problems rather than my parents. Even now that we are all older I still feel I have some responsibility towards them. If there is a bad episode at home and one or both of my parents gets violent as a result, I feel terrible for not being there to support my siblings. I am almost certain that were one of them to get seriously hurt then I would blame myself.
Do you feel that as a result of your childhood, you have been granted perhaps a quality or trait that not everyone has? Have you matured as a result?
I think I matured very very quickly. I practically became a carer for my parents and a parent to my three younger siblings when I was just 13 years old. And to make things worse it was all behind closed doors so I couldn't turn to anyone for help or advice. As far as quality and traits are concerned, I have incredible self control, I never gave in to peer pressure when growing up, when my friends were experimenting with alcohol etc I never joined them, although they didn't know why!
If you were to give any piece of advice to a parent, or for that matter, a child, who is experiencing a similar thing, what would it be?
To a parent - if you are the one with the problem PLEASE get help. If your partner is the one with the problem then you have two options, get them help or leave. Having seen my parents and the way they are, no matter how much I loved my partner if they had a problem and wouldn't stop for me and my baby then I would leave them without a doubt - my child comes first. You may think they are not aware of what is going on but I can assure you they do. You can try and hide it but a child will always know when something is wrong. It ruined my childhood. It has since ruined some of my experiences as an adult. Please put your children first.
To a child - I know it is very difficult to talk to somebody outside of your home. There is the fear that the violence will get worse and things will be taken out on you. There are counsellors offered at every school, speak to your teacher or school nurse about getting in touch with them and making an appointment. These people will listen to you and can't repeat anything you say to them so at least you can get things otu of your system. If you feel you CAN talk to your parents but don't know what to say, let them know how it makes you feel, how it is affecting your life. Point out to them they are unlikely to see you marry or have children. Try and shock them into reality. It may not work but it is always worth a try.
Ok, thanks so much for sharing your thoughts with us. I'm sure the awareness that you are helping to raise will serve to better the social recognition of this issue. If anyone wants to check out Kirsty’s own blog, which shares a number of her experiences, you can do so at:
Once again, thanks for reading, many thanks to Kirsty, and thanks to everyone who is following, and have a good weekend, wherever in the world you may be.
On a final note. If there is anyone that feels they have something to share through either an interview or direct guest blog, drop us a line at, or leave a comment below. thanks guys.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Hurrah for anosmia!
Each sense demands use of a specialised set of nerves that deliver the various types of sensation to our brain, being the optic nerve (sight), tastebuds (taste), cochlear nerve (hearing), olfactory nerves (smell), and the various different nerves used for touch.
I, as it happens, have no olfactory nerves, yes, none. This is a rather uncommon occurrence, which I only discovered when I was about 12. The situation I discovered it in is equally telling. Dad farted, and consequently, the room cleared and I was left sitting there wondering what had happened. We realised there was something wrong, and I had an MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) scan, which found that my olfactory nerves had not developed at all. The MRI scan also picked up a bunch of extra brain tissue, which surely must account for something…
I have no apparent sensitivity to this issue, and find it increasingly interesting the questions that I am asked almost every day by those who happen find out. Here’s the 5 most common, along with the answers I usually provide:
1. So you can’t smell? Does that mean you can’t smell dog shit?
Umm. Well actually my condition provides me with the olfactory faculties that allow ONLY the smell of dog shit. No, I cannot smell dog shit.
2. Can you taste?
Yes, I think my taste is slightly inhibited though, but it’s mostly fine.
3. So I could put a dog shit in your room and you would not notice?
Apparently not dipshit.
4. So what do you get when you sniff?
Nothing. I can’t smell. My nose is permanently set on “default” as such.
5. So we could just chop your nose off and it wouldn’t make a difference?
Well you could, but that would look a bit stupid then wouldn’t it.
When I first arrived at the school I am at, and I told maybe one person, then within a week or two I had had in excess of probably 120 people ask me these very questions, over, and over, and over again. Now that was fun…
Anyway, If there’s anyone that knows of people with this condition, or suffers from it themselves, or is generally interested In the subject of sensory disability, leave a comment and let us know. Thanks guys
Monday, April 19, 2010
So about that?
Just give me a few minutes while writers block subsides.
Right, I’m back, and thought I might tell everyone a bit about me, since many of you don’t know me from a bar of soap. (Not that if a bar of soap said hi you would mistake it for me…I hope).
Ok, so I’m still a student, and I’m busy student-ing in Sydney, Australia. I go to an all boys boarding school, which has its ups and downs, but all in all it’s a good place. It is here I am learning all the things that will grant me the ability to find my place in society when I am spat out the other side. For the time being, I want to study architecture at uni next year, if not, then probably something else (for those of you who haven’t already made that connection).
I have a number of things which I use my spare time to achieve, most notably sports. I’ve played them most of my life, and I cannot see that changing anytime soon (that is, until my knees and back and whatever else have had it). I play tennis and football (soccer), but I have in the past also been involved in a bit of cricket, rugby, golf and what have you.
Other than that my time is fairly well divided between mates, video games, and eating, as well as a few other mindless pursuits.
I’ve travelled a bit (well a lot actually). The complete list of places I have been includes New Zealand, England, Scotland, America, Canada, Austria, Japan, Japan, Japan (yes that’s right, x3), then back to England, Wales and Spain for a football trip last year. I owe a great deal of thanks to my parents for allowing me these experiences, all of which have been incredible in their own right.
The only other thing I need to say is, I am actually kind of struggling for subjects to write about, so If anyone has any suggestions, like literally anything, don’t hesitate to share them just here, and I will do my level best to churn out something half decipherable for you to read =].
I think that’s probably it for the time being…To be completely honest I don’t really know what else I should tell you…so I’ll leave it there hey? As always, thanks for reading, thanks for following, thanks for commenting. Have a great week and I shall see you soon.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Portrayal of teens in the media
I have mentioned it in a previous post, and I think it is time to blow the dust off it and show it to you again. It is through the worst of something that we tend to judge things placed in a particular grouping. The example I used before, was the stigmatization of Islam, while the only real trouble comes from isolated strands of fundamentalist, extremist believers, we see Muslims as a whole, as the ones to blame for religious unrest.
In a similar fashion, (while not everyone believes this, and I am fully aware of that) society is often too quick to look at the young people, AS A WHOLE, rather than those isolated groups, (who only need a bit of support from those who are blaming them), as a scapegoat for many societal issues. The fact of the matter is it is simply not true.
As a teenager myself, I am with, and around people of this very age bracket most of the time, and I, as much as anyone, know that many of us, (the vast majority in fact), have an intelligent, mature engagement of society. It is all a matter or misinterpretation. My own perspective of the issue, however, is likely to have been affected by my contextual environment. I understand that possibly if my own upbringing was different, and I was not associated with the people I am, then naturally, the story may be very different.
My general theory is, that upon realizing that blaming minority ethnic or religious groups was unacceptable, the media then moved to shift their focus onto the next best thing – teenagers. While I believe this problem is currently looking to be dealt with, there is still a lot of work to be done.
If anyone feels naturally compelled to share their thoughts on the matter, please leave a comment. Thanks guys, and enjoy what remains of your day.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Citizenry and troop deployment
The Second Indochina War, more commonly known as the Vietnam War, was granted the name “The Television War”, because it observed the introduction of live broadcasted footage from the front. This allowed those not actively participating, to catch a glimpse of the nature, and the precise, not always likeable details of the progression of the conflict. While providing a way of closely tracking the progress of the war, this combination of war and media creates a number of immediate problems.
Firstly, the anti-war movements that occurred in not only America, but across a number of participating factions engaged in the Vietnam War, are a violent demonstration of the effect of media warfare coverage. The coverage granted the public a viewing over the war, and allowed many to take a justified standpoint opposing the way the US forces were engaging in the conflict. Public opinion was at an all time low.
This, in turn created trouble within the troops that were fighting, as it is understandable that they became increasingly disillusioned as to why they were fighting for people who opposed their actions. Many Vietnam War veterans still feel this disillusionment to the day.
Similarly, the US engagement of forces in Iraq seems to be having a similar effect on today’s America, as well as the international coverage of other global conflicts around the world.
My opinion is that whether or not we support the government’s decisions, we should offer support to those troops that are fighting for their nation.
Anyone bearing an opinion on the matter feel free to step forward and let it be known below. Thanks everyone
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Latin - a dead language?
As we are aware, many contemporary languages base many aspects of structure and vocabulary on the forms used within the language of Latin. It is in many professional worlds within which Latin is very much still a part of the specialized lexis. Professions such as medicine, horticulture, religious engagements and many others, base much of their work on the basic Latin designations. There has also been, of late, a resurgence of the number of secondary and tertiary students desiring to choose Latin as an elective subject.
My father being a very professionally engaged Anaesthetist, I am naturally immersed in aspects of his work. He is the editor of a medical journal and a senior lecturer at the University of Sydney. It is through many of the things HE does, that naturally leads me to believe that Latin can still be used in an effective way. In his personal and professional opinion, Latin is still very much alive.
Despite this, many will maintain the argument that because it is not used as a “language” so to speak (no pun intended, and it’s not used by a body of people to communicate as a primary means), and is not used as a native language by anyone, then surely Latin as a “language” has to be considered dead.
In my own opinion, and holding a rather conservative view on the matter, I believe that it depends on your level of engagement with the language. People like my dad, who use Latin on a regular basis, are going to think of it as an active part of our contemporary language, while those less engaged with it will be more inclined to believe otherwise.
In summation, as a means of understanding our modern interpretations of language, Latin can serve to enrich our sense of communication, and in doing so, is very much alive. However, as a widely used form of communication, it is no longer in use and therefore can be considered to be a “dead” language. It is all in your understanding of a “dead language”.
Any thoughts? (settle down Joe I know this is probably a strong point of yours, but try and keep it below essay-length if you can =P)
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Human Evolution - no more?
The theory of natural selection still applies to everything else, but not humans (well not anymore anyway). If we don’t like something, then we change it so that we do. Similarly, we have reached a point in medicinal progression at which we can now cure just about every disease that would otherwise affect the course of human development. This obviously has a similar effect. However, this has a less noticeable effect on developing countries, for obvious reasons.
But, is this necessarily a good thing? It is through our ability to alter our environment in order to stop it from affecting us that we are potentially growing into a weaker race. Diseases that at one stage would have run the course of natural selection (sorting the men from the boys so to speak), are now simply killed off, because we can. Obviously this is a good thing in terms of our general development, and it allows us to continually increase things such as life expectancy and the like.
However, this lack of effective natural selection (particularly in developed countries), is likely to be countered in a number of ways, including the continual immigration of developing peoples into industrial communities, and future use of genetic manipulation and intentional breeding. So there’s not a lot to be worried about. Apparently.
As always, it’s been a pleasure to empty the contents of my mind onto the floor, sort them out and provide you with the interesting bits. If you have any thoughts on the matter, or any discussions that you would like to be raised in the future, please leave a comment. Thanks
Friday, April 9, 2010
Stem cell research
To flesh the argument out, the basic dispute lies in the stage at which something can be considered to be a human life. Is for example, a group of cells, such as the ones being considered for scientific purposes, a human life? If not, at what stage in the early development of humans can we consider there to be human life?
If we transfer this onto a religious stage, the program pointed out that Islam considers human life to only be fully formed 40 days following conception, and Jewish people believe a similar thing. This is very different to views held by other religious faiths, and considering my own upbringing as a Catholic adherent, I disagree with this, naturally.
In a Christian sense, the main problem arises when those ethically opposed to the use of cells for research clash with those that believe that to help people with a number of disabilities; it is ethical TO use them. Is either side wrong? Those with a number of disabilities, of which we currently have little understanding, often rely on the use of stem cells to uncover the basis of their disease, and in doing so, hopefully uncover a form of cure for it. This dispute creates major religious tension, and pushes the faith of those involved.
In my own opinion, I have to say, while I have relatively little understanding of the concept, that I am understandably lost on the notion of when it is that “life” as such, begins. I feel however, that there are enough people to benefit from the use of stem cells that it is acceptable to undergo research, but these cells must be treated with respect, and used in a way which minimizes the need to simply throw away such potentially valuable resources.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Liverpool - Benfica

This morning, I rose at 4.45 to watch Liverpool play Benfica in the Europa Cup, and despite feeling like an absolute zombie for the rest of the morning, I was reminded why I chose this team in the first place. The opening exchanges didn’t really present much, and Benfica held most of the chances. But when Dirk Kuyt tapped in a header to open the scoring, which was disallowed and reallowed again, I asked myself the question: Surely, to even be considered to line judge a professional European match, you have to have a grasp on the basic rules of the game, i.e. no offsides from a corner. Nice work buddy, keep up the good work…*dick-for-brains*
Anyway, the next opportunity presented itself when Stevie Gerrard split the hapless Benfica defense and sent Lucas running onto his ball to score from a one-on-one situation.
Hold on. What was that? Lets just take a step backwards here…
…Yes, it did happen. Lucas and the words “one-on-one” in the same sentence….beats me.
Halftime and rather content with the 2-0 score line, I got up and made myself some breakfast, just in case you are wondering, it was coco-pops.
Coco-pops in hand, the second half resumed to a flurry of chances. Yay – excitement. A Benfica free kick countered and turned into the opposite net by a decent build up and a simple Torres finish – for a change. Anyone else, and yeah, it would have been great, but the fact it was Torres really drove the on looking kop into raptures.
As the game entered its final exchanges, we all knew – the best was yet to come. When Cordozo drove a free kick straight through the Liverpool wall and into the back of Pepe Reina’s net, the tie was suddenly open again. Or was it?
Somewhere at the back of the room, some guy named Torres puts his hands up and says, “I have something to say”
I’m all ears.
Running onto a sweet through ball, and chipping whoever the hell replaced Benfica’s first choice Cesar, reminiscent of his goal against Fulham in his opening season, or his winner in the Euro 2008 final for Spain, parity was restored once again. 4-1 the scoreline, 5-3 the tie aggregate.
Thanks Liverpool. You made my day. Just about time I think. YNWA
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
History, science and religion
We often view these three disciplines of study as separate endeavors, each bounded by their own methods, aims and theory’s. History being an enquiry into the past, religion being a call to faith, and a provider of a set of beliefs and underlying values, and science being an ongoing investigation into how our world, and that beyond it works. What is also evident is that these three areas are all inextricably linked in more than one way. A pair of questions that demonstrate this suggestion would be:
- How has our understanding of history and/or science affected our understanding of religion over time?
- Conversely, how has our sense of religious boundary affected our study of history and/or science?
In regards to the first question, we must not fail to identify one important fact. Attitudes to religious practice have changed significantly over time. What caused this…our developing understanding of history and science of course. As we realize that divine/supernatural causation (in a historical or scientific mindset) can be discounted as a legitimate means of explaining creation, then our attitude towards our faith changes. This development is demonstrated through the ages, and is evident in the changing methods of historians over time, from Herodotus to Thucydides to more modern historical enquirers, with an increasing emphasis being placed on scientific truth rather than religious truth. In this sense, context is the key. Ancient historians legitimately felt that supernatural causation was in fact a true method of creation, as their contextual society tells them this. As we progressed, and science became a more prominent endeavor, this continued, until the present day, where we discount religious truth in historical/scientific investigations, and vice versa.
As we know also, our sense of religious boundary has also affected our study of the histories and sciences. I’m sure people like Galileo, persecuted for developing (as we are aware now) perfectly justifiable scientific theories, but upsetting the ruling church could tell you. I guess it is fair enough that the church becomes uneasy that people are using new historical and scientific knowledge, which directly questions what the church teaches.
All in all, while they are all linked in some way or another, I think it comes down to one thing. Faith vs. Scrutiny. Religion is there to provide us with a method of approaching life in a way that maximizes our positivity towards each other and ourselves, and is there for faith, rather than scrutiny. On the other hand, the practices of history and science are very much areas of scrutiny, and continually trying to achieve a higher sense of historical/scientific truth, without the need for faith.
A rather opinionated discussion really... But if you think I’ve missed anything of note, feel free to leave a comment, and I will do my best to treat your opinion with what it deserves =P.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Violence in video games
Another widespread, contemporary social issue is the presence of violence in video games. In Australia for example, there is currently no “R” rating for video games; that is, when a game is deemed to be under the “R” classification, then it cannot be legally sold or distributed. This is a unique situation, which is at the current time bringing a lot of the argument I have raised into very prominent political debate. Should Australia have an “R” rating? Is the amount of violence currently seen in many games too much?
The main argument against allowing the “R” rating, and subsequently the amount of highly mature themes (being mainly violence, drug use, sex etc), is the high level of interactivity that video gaming grants to the user. Sure, movies and television programs incorporate a large deal of these themes as well, but gaming allows the gamer to actively engage in acts of extreme violence, and outlandish acts of generally unacceptable social behaviour. The extreme of this was reached when Infinity Ward released their latest installment in the Call of Duty franchise, the highly popular Modern Warfare 2. In one of the opening sequences, the plot guides the user into engaging in a direct act of terrorism, running rampage through an airport, killing anyone and anything in their way. Not a particularly pleasant message to be sending out to our young people really.
On the other hand, there are also a number of reasons FOR allowing “R” ratings and violence in the game industry. Firstly, Australia is the only place without this classification, and so we have been slightly left in the dark with regards to these games. Secondly, many fail to realize that the average age of the active gamer is now low-mid thirties, a far cry from the stereotyped gamer; a slightly chubby young teenager yelling at his X-box out of rage. Many of this grouping are therefore above the age of 18, and so should come to expect access to the same range of games available anywhere else in the world. Another potential point to raise is the required informed decision to be made by the parents should a young person wish to purchase one of these games in question. If the person is socially/mentally unstable, then surely it’s the parent’s responsibility to identify that, and realize that allowing them to engage in acts of digitalized violence is perhaps not the best idea.
Once again, this is no simple matter to resolve. People come from differing backgrounds, differing levels of religious engagement and differing social perspectives. It is therefore understandable that not everyone agrees on this issue. In offering my own opinion, I feel that if someone is over the required age to purchase such games, then it is their decision. If you don’t like it, then don’t buy it. If they are below this age, then it is up to the parents/guardians of the child to make an informed decision as to whether they wish this content to be granted use by their children. Any thoughts?
Monday, April 5, 2010
Modern stigmatization
Why is it that in a troubled modern world, do we often so swiftly engage in peace destroying and often detrimental stigmatization? A major example of course is the common view of Islamic culture held by many civilized, culturally engaged westernized people. We are often so quick to dismiss those of a differing religious belief as at fault for all the wrong in the world. This is by no means a new issue, and precedent has largely been at fault for leading us into such beliefs, one only has to enquire into the European situation prior to and during the Second world war, in which the most determined totalitarian dictator of modern times had no doubt in his mind as to the cause of his national problems, Namely people of a differing socio-cultural distinction – The Jewish community.
This concept has certainly made its way into the fabric of a globalised modern society. The Islamic-Western clash is understandably seen as the most prominent of these, and it is through deciphering this legitimate quandary that many other stigmas’ can be dealt with effectively.
In offering my own personal opinion, in saying that if I wasn’t a through and through catholic, brought up with catholic ideals, attending a strict catholic school, Islam would be a more than legitimate belief system to replace it. Despite this, what we have on our hands is a situation in which if a Christian figure commits a crime, then we dismiss it as an act of political or social inflammation, however when an Islamic figure does the same thing, then we jump to the misinformed conclusion that it was an act of religious impetus, rather than a detached action of isolated motivation. The simple question is, why?
It is only through literal interpretation of Qur’an scriptures that fundamental belief systems, which occupy the minds of the very small extremist communities, that aggressive behaviour towards differing beliefs become accepted. This fundamental interpretation very much misrepresents the very culturally accepting nature of other interpretations of Muslim sacred texts.
It is through the worst of something that we tend to judge it. Football fans through the violent mobs, spiders and snakes through their venomous tendencies, and in the same way, Muslims through extremely isolated communities of fundamentalist belief. This method of thought largely drives our view of just about everything that is placed in a grouping, such as those listed above, and is the driving force behind the western view of Islam as a religion breeding culturally aggressive, counterproductive communities.
Naturally, herein lies the major cause of our little problem, Distinction between the largely peace-loving Islamic people, and the isolated strands of fundamental beliefs. The only problem with this is, how do we fix it…